55 Ways to Take Care of Yourself When You’re Crazy Busy

I ran into this post a while back.  It’s written by another writer and life coach named Marthe.  You can read her stuff and learn all about her right here.  Frankly, being something of an anxious accomplishment whore, I pretty much suck at relaxation. It’s...

Why You May Be Driving Men Off

  Starting Over with Richard Schuh   Richard Schuh is the first male I have chosen to interview.  I think he’s pretty special, and I know you will too.  I sat next to this heart-centered man at a Tony Robbins conference and I was struck by his honesty,...

Why You Want Me To Be Your Coach

Because we learn best from people who understand our demons. An alcoholic is best helped by a former drunk. The mother of an autistic child needs someone who has run the gauntlet themselves. You kinda want your divorce lawyer to understand your impulse to burn your...