I Can Not Belive I Have to Define This!

Somebody asked me the other day what I mean when I say, “I teach women how to cut the nice girl crap.”   It dawns on me, now, that I need to be more specific because ignorant certain people don’t understand the expression “nice girl,” or...

Some Dead Guy’s Formula For Self-Esteem

Chemists like equations. Chemist that I am, I’m going to give you an equation I learned very late in life. Listen up, because this one affects every aspect of your life. Self-esteem= Success/pretensions William James, the father of psychology, came up with this...

The 6 Pillars of Self Esteem

When I was younger, I used to look to others, mostly men, to rescue me. I was convinced that, if left to my own devices, I would make some horrible mistake and screw up my life permanently.  I had no idea who I was, what I wanted or needed, or how I felt about much of...

The Words I Wish I’d Heard Upon Graduating From College

I love this time of year.  All those motivating commencement speeches cropping up on the Internet.  I can’t remember a single word that was said when I graduated with my B.S. in 1985.  I do, however, remember the commencement speech at Harvard when I received my...