The holiday season is upon us, and I’ve been thinking about my very best survival tools, the ones I need to break out when faced with disgruntled relatives. Not that…
Dear Mimi, Thank you for your comment on this Youtube video. You claim that Walt is a 100% narcissist. The thing I’ve noticed about defensiveness, which is what your criticism…
It’s been one of those weeks. Who are we kidding, it’s been one of those months. What with this broken ankle and not being able to run, I’ve become seriously…
I have a pug that turns to stone the minute I try to pick him up. He absolutely despises being man handled and will squeal like a pig. The thing…
Somebody asked me the other day what I mean when I say, “I teach women how to cut the nice girl crap.” It dawns on me, now, that I…
As I’ve mentioned about a thousand times before, I grew up in an alcoholic household. My dad was a former farm boy from rural North Dakota who hated his job…
Walt and I are giving a talk one evening when I meet a woman who is interested in exploring a coaching relationship. She’s impressed by the way Walt and I…
Here in Ireland I read incessantly. No sooner than I finish one book, I scan the bookshelves and grab another. For the last ten days I’ve been in total bliss,…
You get to change your mind You get to make mistakes You get to vacillate You get to take your own sweet time You get to be angry, or hurt,…