I talk about this stuff all the time. Two things changed my life: running and writing. From these two activities, man, did I learn to get in touch with myself….
One of the benefits of writing a book is the visibility it buys you. Know that saying, build it and they will come? Well, that’s bullshit. After all that hard…
I’ve never met my guest poster, Nnenna Kalu Makanjuola, but that won’t stop me from sharing her words. Her message is really powerful, particularly if you’ve spent a big chunk…
I’ve been down for the count with a broken ankle these past three months. But I’m back on the road again. Running. And I can feel my soul opening up….
I watch my mother get ready for work while I’m visiting her in Medora, North Dakota. At 76, she spends the summer months selling expensive trinkets in some tourist trap…
Chemists like equations. Chemist that I am, I’m going to give you an equation I learned very late in life. Listen up, because this one affects every aspect of your…
When I was younger, I used to look to others, mostly men, to rescue me. I was convinced that, if left to my own devices, I would make some horrible…
I was listening to a Ted Talk last month with Sheryl Sandberg. (see below) In it she discussed three things she believes hold women back in the work world. For…
Here’s what I do. I help clients see their world differently. Because when you help someone see their world differently, their world changes. When someone sees the world differently they…
Have I ever mentioned how much I love questions and comments? I do. Thanks again to Jessie for the inspiration for this post. Here’s what Jessie says: My [dating] challenge…