by AnnSheybani | Oct 28, 2013 | Authenticity, choosing a mate, coaching, Confidence, Courage, Daddy Hole, dating, desire, expectations, Honesty, identity, Life, love, marriage, match profile,, narcissism, Self-Esteem, voice
I received a wonderful comment a few weeks back, and now I’d love to take the time to respond properly. You’ve shared that you met Walt on Match. So, please also share how you maintained the endurance to keep going and not lose hope from one stereotypical online...
by AnnSheybani | Oct 21, 2013 | Authenticity, Betrayal, confrontation, connection, Courage, Cultural Issues, death, divorce, guilt, Honesty, husband, identity, Intimacy, Iran, Life, marriage, mixed marriages, risk, Self love, tension, voice
The summer I came back to the States, the fall I chose never to go back to Iran, I told myself that if I could just get away from my husband’s family, just gain a little control, then all my troubles would magically disappear. I understood that if I refused to go...
by AnnSheybani | Oct 6, 2013 | adventure, Confidence, Courage, Denali, Driving Miss Daisy, extreem dependency, Fearless Living, Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway, Ireland, Reading, route finding, tenacity
I’m learning to drive all over again in Ireland. This doesn’t sound like a big deal, I know, but it feels death defying. Most of the time, I pretty much want to scream and cry, or blame my misery on horrible Walt. Smug Walt. Gasp-y Walt. The Irish, for whatever...
by AnnSheybani | Sep 16, 2013 | Alcoholic rules, Alcoholism, Confidence, confrontation, Courage, Honesty, Intimacy, Life, marriage, nice girl complex, passive aggressive, people pleasing, rage, risk, Self-Esteem, tension, voice, Walt Hampton
Want to know the secret to personal power? I’m talking Wonder Woman red-cape-wearing power. The ability to stay steady when other people—people that you love and/or need—become angry, sad, or disappointed. Particularly when you’ve (supposedly) done or said something...
by AnnSheybani | Sep 2, 2013 | 10 Stupid Things WomenDo to Mess Up Their Lives, Betrayal, coaching, connection, Courage, desire, expectations, guilt, Honesty, Life, marriage, mistakes, people pleasing, pregnancy, rage, route finding, voice, Walt Hampton
When I was twenty-one I found myself in an awful predicament. With a semester and a half to go before graduating from college, I got pregnant. I decided that snowy January that the only logical way to handle the unexpected turn of events was to marry my boyfriend, a...
by AnnSheybani | Aug 18, 2013 | attachment, Authenticity, Boundaries, choosing a mate, Codependency, Confidence, connection, Courage, dating, expectations, Honesty, Intimacy, limiting beliefs, love, manipulation, misinterpretation, mistakes, narcissism, people pleasing, risk, Self-Esteem, Walt Hampton
I received an e-mail this week that speaks to so many of us raised in alcoholic households. I just went through a breakup again on Saturday. My 34th birthday. There were many things wrong. Mostly, yet again, I was giving it 100 percent and not getting enough back. He...