by AnnSheybani | Jun 2, 2014 | Alcoholic rules, books, coaching, Confidence, extreem dependency, goals, identity, Nathan Branden, people pleasing, process, purpose, Reading, Rescue, role model, route finding, running, Self love, Self-acceptance, Self-Esteem, tenacity, The Six Pillars of Self Esteem
When I was younger, I used to look to others, mostly men, to rescue me. I was convinced that, if left to my own devices, I would make some horrible mistake and screw up my life permanently. I had no idea who I was, what I wanted or needed, or how I felt about much of...
by AnnSheybani | May 5, 2014 | acknowledgment, adventure, Confidence, Life, Reading, Rhonda Britten, running, Sheryl Sandberg, Ted Talk
I was listening to a Ted Talk last month with Sheryl Sandberg. (see below) In it she discussed three things she believes hold women back in the work world. For anyone who doesn’t know who Sheryl is, she’s the COO of Facebook in charge of monetizing the site. She’s...
by AnnSheybani | Apr 15, 2014 | adventure, Boundaries, coaching, Courage, Life, nice girl complex, reinvention, role model, running
Here’s what I do. I help clients see their world differently. Because when you help someone see their world differently, their world changes. When someone sees the world differently they show up differently, and they create results that looked impossible a...
by AnnSheybani | Nov 2, 2013 | Authenticity, Bridget Cooper, choosing a mate, Codependency, Confidence, connection, dating, expectations, Honesty, identity, Life, love, marriage, mountain climbing, nice girl complex, people pleasing, running, Self love
Have I ever mentioned how much I love questions and comments? I do. Thanks again to Jessie for the inspiration for this post. Here’s what Jessie says: My [dating] challenge will be to find the right balance between ‘must-haves’ and ‘realistic.’ For example,...
by AnnSheybani | Oct 13, 2013 | adventure, Authenticity, Boundaries, coaching, Codependency, Confidence, Daddy Hole, desire, Empty nest syndrome, expectations, extreem dependency, goals, Honesty, identity, Iran, Life, life transitions, marathon, mistakes, mountain climbing, nice girl complex, people pleasing, purpose, reinvention, risk, running, Self love, Starting Over, voice
Once upon a time I was an aimless girl who twisted herself into a little pretzel to win over a man. He was a decent man, with his own complexes and flaws, who led me down the primrose path into the Islamic Republic of Iran. This did not go well. As with any episode in...
by AnnSheybani | Sep 29, 2013 | Confidence, connection, George Sheehan, identity, Iran, Islamic modesty, Life, marathon, reinvention, running, Running to Win
In grade school, I was one of those kids, the kind no one picked for their team. Instead, I lurked on the sidelines with Arlene, a fragile girl with Bambi eyes, and Joanne, a chubby thing with an attitude problem. The trouble with me was that I refused to...