by AnnSheybani | Oct 21, 2013 | Authenticity, Betrayal, confrontation, connection, Courage, Cultural Issues, death, divorce, guilt, Honesty, husband, identity, Intimacy, Iran, Life, marriage, mixed marriages, risk, Self love, tension, voice
The summer I came back to the States, the fall I chose never to go back to Iran, I told myself that if I could just get away from my husband’s family, just gain a little control, then all my troubles would magically disappear. I understood that if I refused to go...
by AnnSheybani | Oct 13, 2013 | adventure, Authenticity, Boundaries, coaching, Codependency, Confidence, Daddy Hole, desire, Empty nest syndrome, expectations, extreem dependency, goals, Honesty, identity, Iran, Life, life transitions, marathon, mistakes, mountain climbing, nice girl complex, people pleasing, purpose, reinvention, risk, running, Self love, Starting Over, voice
Once upon a time I was an aimless girl who twisted herself into a little pretzel to win over a man. He was a decent man, with his own complexes and flaws, who led me down the primrose path into the Islamic Republic of Iran. This did not go well. As with any episode in...
by AnnSheybani | Sep 12, 2013 | Authenticity, connection, expectations, Honesty, identity, Life, manipulation, passive aggressive, people pleasing
Want an Hour or Two of Giggles? Head on over to YouTube and plug in the keyword “Passive Aggressive.” Why would I do this, you ask? Because people who are afraid to express anger, sadness, or disappointment in relationships usually end up expressing...
by AnnSheybani | Sep 8, 2013 | Authenticity, Bridget Cooper, choosing a mate, Codependency, desire, expectations, Honesty, identity, Intimacy, love, manipulation,, nice girl complex, people pleasing, rage, Reading, Rhonda Britten, self-image, voice
Do you know who you are, and what you want from a life partner? Are you afraid that by voicing your needs you will drive him (or her) off? This from my friend Bridget’s new book, Feed the Need: Years ago, as I was getting back into the dating scene, I read a book that...
by AnnSheybani | Aug 18, 2013 | attachment, Authenticity, Boundaries, choosing a mate, Codependency, Confidence, connection, Courage, dating, expectations, Honesty, Intimacy, limiting beliefs, love, manipulation, misinterpretation, mistakes, narcissism, people pleasing, risk, Self-Esteem, Walt Hampton
I received an e-mail this week that speaks to so many of us raised in alcoholic households. I just went through a breakup again on Saturday. My 34th birthday. There were many things wrong. Mostly, yet again, I was giving it 100 percent and not getting enough back. He...
by AnnSheybani | Jul 22, 2013 | Alcoholism, Authenticity, Betrayal, choosing a mate, Confidence, connection, forgiveness, grace, gratitude, Honesty, identity, Interview, love, marriage, mistakes, recovery, reinvention, Richard Schuh, self-image, Starting Over, Tony Robbins
Starting Over with Richard Schuh Richard Schuh is the first male I have chosen to interview. I think he’s pretty special, and I know you will too. I sat next to this heart-centered man at a Tony Robbins conference and I was struck by his honesty,...