The Kind of Girl You’d Warn Your Sons Off

One of the benefits of writing a book is the visibility it buys you.  Know that saying, build it and they will come?  Well, that’s bullshit. After all that hard work, you’ve actually got to get out there and promote the thing if you want readers, and/or...
Cinderella Was a Codependent

Cinderella Was a Codependent

When I was in first grade, I wanted more than anything to be Cinderella. I found the picture book character, one I’d come across in the school library, the embodiment of glamour. From her sparkling full-length yellow dress, to her pair of smashing, see-through pumps;...

The Female Escape Route

“You know,” my boyfriend said one night over a lovely dinner. “Once my contract’s up at NIH, I should really start thinking about going home to Iran.” He said this casually, as if offering up a random observation, not dropping a ticking time bomb square in my lap....