Not Just About Getting Laid

It was the 70’s. Playboy and Penthouse were ubiquitous on suburban coffee tables, at least in the households where I babysat. My parents, in keeping with the make-love-not-war attitude of the era, kept a stash of porn star tell-all’s, Penthouse Forum volumes,...

50 Things You, My Friend, Get To Do

You get to change your mind You get to make mistakes You get to vacillate You get to take your own sweet time You get to be angry, or hurt, or sad You get to say no You get to take care of your needs You get to disagree You get to speak your mind You get to be direct...

Oh, The Sh*t Show We Create When We Settle

Have I ever mentioned how much I love questions and comments?  I do. Thanks again to Jessie for the inspiration for this post. Here’s what Jessie says: My [dating] challenge will be to find the right balance between ‘must-haves’ and ‘realistic.’ For example,...