by AnnSheybani | Jul 28, 2015 | Life
Ten years ago (yesterday), I met Walt in a coffee shop, a Starbucks, to be specific. We’d found each other on and, thanks to our VERY accurate, buyer-beware profiles, had immediately recognized the synergies. He hadn’t bothered to put a picture...
by AnnSheybani | Jul 28, 2015 | adventure, Courage, Life, Mark Divine, Reading, The Way of the SEAL
I just got back from Mallorca, an island off the coast of Spain where my daughter and her husband celebrated their marriage for the second time. Needless to say, surrounded by a LOT of highly dramatic members of the Sheybani clan I haven’t seen in a very long...
by AnnSheybani | Jul 20, 2015 | Anne Lamott, Authenticity, Confidence, connection, identity, Life, Reading, Traveling Mercies, vulnerability, Writing, writing lessons
I received this beautiful note last week in response to my newsletter, and I’d like to share it and my response with you. It’s relevant to you writers out there, AND to people-pleasers. Thank you for your raw honesty. Your courage inspires me, seriously....
by AnnSheybani | Jul 20, 2015 | identity, Life
I’ve been searching and searching for this video, which I saw a year or two back. Lo and behold, there it was in my Youtube feed this morning. There’s a couple of reasons I was taken by Zoe Chance’s TedX talk, why I wanted to share it with...
by AnnSheybani | Jul 13, 2015 | Codependency, desire, expectations, extreem dependency, identity, Life, meditation, mistakes
When I was twenty-one I found myself in an awful predicament. With a semester and a half to go before graduating from college, I got pregnant. I decided that snowy January that the only logical way to handle the unexpected turn of events was to marry my boyfriend, a...
by AnnSheybani | Jul 7, 2015 | adventure, Life, purpose
My friend Katerina introduced me to a Youtube series called Shots of Awe. Get me started watching them, and I can pretty much forget about getting anything productive done. Each day I talk to people who can’t remember what they enjoy. They feel like they have...