Ten Years In The Making

Ten years ago (yesterday), I met Walt in a coffee shop, a Starbucks, to be specific.  We’d found each other on Match.com and, thanks to our VERY accurate, buyer-beware profiles, had immediately recognized the synergies.  He hadn’t bothered to put a picture...

Before You Buy That FitBit

  I’ve been searching and searching for this video, which I saw a year or two back.  Lo and behold, there it was in my Youtube feed this morning. There’s a couple of reasons I was taken by Zoe Chance’s TedX talk, why I wanted to share it with...

Shots of Awe

My friend Katerina introduced me to a Youtube series called Shots of Awe. Get me started watching them, and I can pretty much forget about getting anything productive done. Each day I talk to people who can’t remember what they enjoy.  They feel like they have...