About ten years ago, I took my first vacation alone, a week-long bike tour in southern France. Despite my years as a traveling salesperson, I’d never liked going to the…
You talk about “people like us” who hide their true selves to be loved and accepted. What about the “what you see is what you get” types who assume others…
Last week I ran a post in which I listed the wonderful things my husband does for me, and what I had needed to change in my life to be…
I received a note the other day from a woman who has flirted with the idea of coaching for nearly two years. She’s sent me several letters during this time…
The summer I came back to the States, the fall I chose never to go back to Iran, I told myself that if I could just get away from my…
Know that problem you just can’t seem to face? Mmmm-hmmm, that’s the one. That dead end job, or limping marriage, or troubled kid, or that fill in-the-blank. What do you…
Dear J, Happy 50th Birthday!!! I must say, turning fifty is distressing enough without being divorced by your husband of 26 years a few days prior. One could equate that…
My sister-in-law once told me that I should write a book entitled What Not to Do. She’d heard the slew of “Ann Stories” my brother liked to tell, and was…
We all have deals, you know. Some of the provisions are on the table and mutually agreed upon. Many go unspoken, particularly when it comes to getting what we want…
Sometimes we get tired and don’t want to have to try anymore. We want to be loved and appreciated, just for being the decent human being we are. Which is…