Why You May Be Driving Men Off

  Starting Over with Richard Schuh   Richard Schuh is the first male I have chosen to interview.  I think he’s pretty special, and I know you will too.  I sat next to this heart-centered man at a Tony Robbins conference and I was struck by his honesty,...

I’m Famous. God, the pressure!

 So, Kriste, one of my coaching clients, wrote this totally badass blog post about working with me. It felt pretty good to read about myself in some place other than the police blotter. (No, I’ve never shown up on the police blotter, I think. This is a joke. A...

Cheap, Cheap, Cheapskate

Want to hear something freaking fascinating?  The more you invest in yourself, the more others are willing to invest in you.  When you take yourself seriously, others do the same. Cheaping out on yourself isn’t noble; it’s flimsy camouflage for low self-esteem. My...

Boundaries 101

Walt sat behind the steering wheel talking on the phone with a client. He was getting frustrated with this young woman, who’d hired him so she could get sole custody of her baby, because he couldn’t figure out why she kept ignoring his legal advice. Why she continued...