by AnnSheybani | Mar 10, 2014 | Authenticity, Brene Brown, coaching, connection, Courage, criticism, dealing with criticism, Honesty, Saying no, Writing, writing lessons
As many of you may know, I ran two businesses before I took up coaching writers. I taught/teach writing workshops—locally and online—and I also coached nice girls (and guys) who were sick of feeling trapped by their inability to tell the truth. Who wanted to learn how...
by AnnSheybani | Feb 15, 2014 | attachment, Authenticity, Bridget Cooper, coaching, connection, Emotional Unavailability, expectations, guest post, Honesty, Life, Reading
This is a guest post by Dr. Bridget Cooper, author of Feed the Need (To Reduce Conflict and Multiply Joy) Focus, the limited amount or lack of it entirely, is the number one complaint that clients approach me with as they enter coaching. Usually, though, they...
by AnnSheybani | Dec 30, 2013 | Alcoholic rules, Alcoholism, Authenticity, Codependency, Codependent No More, Honesty, Intimacy, Life, rage, The Adult Children of Alcoholics Syndrome
I received a comment from a lovely woman last week, which inspired this blog. …I am plodding on, getting out there, striving! LOL. Still with the same negative, self pitying man, who I live with like brother and sis now! Unfortunately I share a bed with him, but...
by AnnSheybani | Nov 18, 2013 | Alcoholic rules, Authenticity, Boundaries, coaching, Codependency, Confidence, confrontation, Courage, expectations, Fearless Living, grace, guilt, Honesty, identity, Intimacy, Life, life transitions, limiting beliefs, manipulation, mistakes, nice girl complex, people pleasing, perfectionism, rage, reinvention, risk, Self love, voice, vulnerability, Writing
You get to change your mind You get to make mistakes You get to vacillate You get to take your own sweet time You get to be angry, or hurt, or sad You get to say no You get to take care of your needs You get to disagree You get to speak your mind You get to be direct...
by AnnSheybani | Nov 2, 2013 | Authenticity, Bridget Cooper, choosing a mate, Codependency, Confidence, connection, dating, expectations, Honesty, identity, Life, love, marriage, mountain climbing, nice girl complex, people pleasing, running, Self love
Have I ever mentioned how much I love questions and comments? I do. Thanks again to Jessie for the inspiration for this post. Here’s what Jessie says: My [dating] challenge will be to find the right balance between ‘must-haves’ and ‘realistic.’ For example,...
by AnnSheybani | Oct 28, 2013 | Authenticity, choosing a mate, coaching, Confidence, Courage, Daddy Hole, dating, desire, expectations, Honesty, identity, Life, love, marriage, match profile,, narcissism, Self-Esteem, voice
I received a wonderful comment a few weeks back, and now I’d love to take the time to respond properly. You’ve shared that you met Walt on Match. So, please also share how you maintained the endurance to keep going and not lose hope from one stereotypical online...