Dear J, Happy 50th Birthday!!! I must say, turning fifty is distressing enough without being divorced by your husband of 26 years a few days prior. One could equate that…
My sister-in-law once told me that I should write a book entitled What Not to Do. She’d heard the slew of “Ann Stories” my brother liked to tell, and was…
We all have deals, you know. Some of the provisions are on the table and mutually agreed upon. Many go unspoken, particularly when it comes to getting what we want…
Before we begin I would like to you to take a look at three pictures. 1. General Petraeus 2. Mrs. Petraeus 3. The Girlfriend Need I say more? OK,…
Here’s an eye opener. When we women don’t dare to dream or recognize our purpose, we end up placing too much emphasis on a man or our babies. When we…
This is a guest post by Bridget Cooper of Like with most journeys, I believe that I was on the path before I recognized the stones that lay before…
Dr. Gayle Hall is a cute chick in sassy heels and perfect makeup. She’s also a life coach, author, mentor, and professor. But she wasn’t always someone who had it…
Lately I’ve been running into really nice guys who have no idea why their marriage ended. Attractive in sort of a Steve Carell way, I usually spot them standing against…
Rhoda Berman is 85 years old. She’s a vibrant, active, no-nonsense sort of woman who isn’t afraid to express her opinion. She knows her strengths and her weaknesses. She knows…
Some people are late bloomers. Take Flo Stahl, for instance. She didn’t begin to value herself until the ripe old age of 65. Now a vibrant, sexy 80-year-old, Flo is…