by AnnSheybani | Dec 1, 2014 | Alcoholic rules, Alcoholism, assertiveness, Boundaries, Codependency, confrontation, expectations, Life, nice girl complex, passive aggressive, people pleasing
The holiday season is upon us, and I’ve been thinking about my very best survival tools, the ones I need to break out when faced with disgruntled relatives. Not that you’d know what I mean, I’m sure. Here’s one from my arsenal, which I posted a...
by AnnSheybani | Sep 21, 2014 | anxiety, expectations, growing up, identity, Ireland, Life, parenting, personality disorder, running, self-sabotage, tension
I watch my mother get ready for work while I’m visiting her in Medora, North Dakota. At 76, she spends the summer months selling expensive trinkets in some tourist trap at Teddy Roosevelt National Park. Always an early bird, she’s out of the sack by 6 a.m. She...
by AnnSheybani | Sep 16, 2014 | adventure, Alcoholic rules, expectations, goals, Ireland, Life, Planning, process, route finding, tenacity, The Adult Children of Alcoholics Syndrome, Writing
I started working on a blog this morning while overlooking the pasture. Halfway in, I realized I’d written the very same piece a year ago. Which reminded me of something I once read: photographers have only one picture, writers have only one story. Have you...
by AnnSheybani | Sep 5, 2014 | accountability, adventure, climbing lessons, Codependency, Courage, expectations, extreem dependency, Life, limiting beliefs, mountain climbing, Rescue, route finding, self-sabotage, tenacity
It’s been one of those weeks. Who are we kidding, it’s been one of those months. What with this broken ankle and not being able to run, I’ve become seriously sulky. I’ve found myself irritated that others can’t seem to give me what I...
by AnnSheybani | Sep 1, 2014 | all or nothing, Authenticity, Boundaries, change, coaching, connection, efficiency, expectations, grace, gratitude, guest post, kindness, Life, people pleasing, perfectionism, recovery, Rescue, Saying no, Self-acceptance, Work Less
I ran into this post a while back. It’s written by another writer and life coach named Marthe. You can read her stuff and learn all about her right here. Frankly, being something of an anxious accomplishment whore, I pretty much suck at relaxation. It’s...
by AnnSheybani | Aug 18, 2014 | assertiveness, Authenticity, coaching, Confidence, confrontation, Courage, expectations, Life, limiting beliefs, misinterpretation, people pleasing, risk, Self-Esteem, self-sabotage
I have a coaching client named Bill. No surprises here, Bill’s a people-pleaser, a real nice guy. You’d love him. (He’s single now, so if anybody out there is looking for a nice guy, let me know.) Once upon a time, Bill was working as an accountant at a mid-sized...