The Cost of Postponing the Inevitable

Once upon a time I was an aimless girl who twisted herself into a little pretzel to win over a man. He was a decent man, with his own complexes and flaws, who led me down the primrose path into the Islamic Republic of Iran. This did not go well. As with any episode in...

You Selfish, Selfish Bitch

Here’s an eye opener.  When we women don’t dare to dream or recognize our purpose, we end up placing too much emphasis on a man or our babies. When we don’t know what we want, we end up “wanting” what they want. See, if you don’t have a desires of your own, you end up...

Burn The Nest

Attending my high school reunion, I was reminded, once again, that very few people, like Walt and I, seem to want to celebrate the start of the upcoming era. The era of Absolute Freedom. The Glorious Advent of Second Adulthood. We have to remind ourselves, Walt and I,...