by AnnSheybani | Apr 15, 2014 | adventure, Boundaries, coaching, Courage, Life, nice girl complex, reinvention, role model, running
Here’s what I do. I help clients see their world differently. Because when you help someone see their world differently, their world changes. When someone sees the world differently they show up differently, and they create results that looked impossible a...
by AnnSheybani | Mar 10, 2014 | Authenticity, Brene Brown, coaching, connection, Courage, criticism, dealing with criticism, Honesty, Saying no, Writing, writing lessons
As many of you may know, I ran two businesses before I took up coaching writers. I taught/teach writing workshops—locally and online—and I also coached nice girls (and guys) who were sick of feeling trapped by their inability to tell the truth. Who wanted to learn how...
by AnnSheybani | Feb 2, 2014 | Confidence, Courage, Life
We’re all afraid of stepping up and asking for what we want. We’re afraid to ask our boss, or our parents, or our spouse, or our friend, or the gatekeeper to a wonderful new opportunity. We’re even afraid to ask our kids. Why? What do we stand to...
by AnnSheybani | Feb 2, 2014 | adventure, coaching, Confidence, Courage, perfectionism, risk, The Imposter Syndrome, Writing
I ran this post a year or two back. I decided it was time to bring it back after seeing this “issue” come up in a number of coaching sessions. Listen, people, you will never feel ready. There will always be more work to do. Preparation is great,...
by AnnSheybani | Nov 25, 2013 | Betrayal, coaching, Courage, Cultural Issues, grace, guest post, identity, Iran, Life, life transitions, recovery, reinvention, route finding, Sahar Irwin, self-image, Starting Over
As you may know, I love a good Starting Over story. You know the kind: one minute you’re riding high, the next, you’re flat on your back wondering what hit you. What fears prevent you from letting go of your old life? What if they actually happened? ...
by AnnSheybani | Nov 18, 2013 | Alcoholic rules, Authenticity, Boundaries, coaching, Codependency, Confidence, confrontation, Courage, expectations, Fearless Living, grace, guilt, Honesty, identity, Intimacy, Life, life transitions, limiting beliefs, manipulation, mistakes, nice girl complex, people pleasing, perfectionism, rage, reinvention, risk, Self love, voice, vulnerability, Writing
You get to change your mind You get to make mistakes You get to vacillate You get to take your own sweet time You get to be angry, or hurt, or sad You get to say no You get to take care of your needs You get to disagree You get to speak your mind You get to be direct...