50 Things, You, My Friend, Get to Do.

You get to change your mind You get to make mistakes You get to vacillate You get to take your own sweet time You get to be angry, or hurt, or sad You get to say no You get to take care of your needs You get to disagree You get to speak your mind You get to be direct...

Fix What Needs to Be Fixed

No surprises here, I’m a huge fan of accountability.  Want to get something done?  Get someone looking over your shoulder to make sure you’re doing what you said you would do! If you need to drop the lard, check out this opportunity.  I’m serious. ...

I Can Not Belive I Have to Define This!

Somebody asked me the other day what I mean when I say, “I teach women how to cut the nice girl crap.”   It dawns on me, now, that I need to be more specific because ignorant certain people don’t understand the expression “nice girl,” or...

Some Dead Guy’s Formula For Self-Esteem

Chemists like equations. Chemist that I am, I’m going to give you an equation I learned very late in life. Listen up, because this one affects every aspect of your life. Self-esteem= Success/pretensions William James, the father of psychology, came up with this...