Be. Here. Now, Now, Now.

I’m down to the final countdown. The last day or two before I disappear to Ireland for a good long while.  Lots of stuff to get done.  Lots of people I need to see so I’m not labeled the shittiest friend in the world. And I feel all of that familiar...

Quirky Sells

I was lazing around on the couch this morning flipping through The New York Times Magazine when I ran into an article about the latest Youtube sensation. Tyler Oakley is a young, gay man who posts videos about the stuff he thinks about on a day-to-day basis.  And he...

What Will It Take To Let Go?

I received a note the other day from a woman who has flirted with the idea of coaching for nearly two years.  She’s sent me several letters during this time and in each and every one she recounts the same sad story about living with her deadbeat boyfriend, how...

You + Imagination = Possible

I’m going to say something that scares the crap out of me.  Something that could draw the evil eye and smote me like Lot, the dude that turned to salt:  I can’t believe that this is my life. Ten years ago, I could never have imagined the deal I’ve got going on today....

Be The Buffalo

I was thinking about my relationship with discomfort this morning on my long run.  Walt and I set out to do 12 miles, and sure enough, at about mile 6, this twingy thing I’ve got going on with my left hamstring reared its ugly head. Of course Walt is of the...