by AnnSheybani | Sep 18, 2012 | Codependency, Confidence, Courage, desire, Empty nest syndrome, goals, husband, Mama Gena, marriage, parenting, rage, reinvention, risk, Self-Esteem, Suzanne Falter-Barns, voice
Here’s an eye opener. When we women don’t dare to dream or recognize our purpose, we end up placing too much emphasis on a man or our babies. When we don’t know what we want, we end up “wanting” what they want. See, if you don’t have a desires of your own, you end up...
by AnnSheybani | Sep 17, 2012 | coaching, dieting, Elizabeth Anderson, goals, reinvention, role model, weight lifting, weight loss
I hate to admit that I’m not the world expert on EVERYTHING. Particularly when it comes to weight and fitness. See, I think I’ve got it going on. I run ultra-marathons, I climb high mountains. I’ve been on every freaking diet known to man....
by AnnSheybani | Aug 20, 2012 | adventure, climbing lessons, goals, mountain climbing, Patrick Kral, risk, Special Olympics, Walt Hampton
Walt and I just got back from guiding the first ever Special Olympian, up Mt. Rainier in Washington State. Believe me. This was an incredible challenge. We’re talking serious altitude, dangerous crevasses, steep slopes, and the need for technical skills....
by AnnSheybani | Jun 26, 2012 | Alcoholism, books, Boundaries, coaching, Confidence, expectations, goals, Jack Canfield, limiting beliefs, parenting, rage, Self-Esteem
Several years ago I opted to work with a Jack Canfield coach. I wasn’t sure what the arrangement was going to be like, I just knew I needed a kick in the ass so I could get out of my own way and accomplish some really big goals. I was required, as part of the...
by AnnSheybani | Jun 21, 2012 | Authenticity, choosing a mate, Confidence, dating, divorce, Dr. Gayle Hall, goals, identity, Interview, marriage, mistakes, reinvention, Self-Esteem, Starting Over
Dr. Gayle Hall is a cute chick in sassy heels and perfect makeup. She’s also a life coach, author, mentor, and professor. But she wasn’t always someone who had it all together. Skinny, scrawny, red-headed, and freckle-faced as a little girl, Gayle spent grade...
by AnnSheybani | Apr 21, 2012 | aging, Authenticity, cats, choosing a mate, Confidence, Courage, divorce, goals, growing up, Honesty, husband, identity, Interview, life transitions, marriage, parenting, reinvention, role model, Second Adulthood, Self-Esteem, Starting Over, voice
Rhoda Berman is 85 years old. She’s a vibrant, active, no-nonsense sort of woman who isn’t afraid to express her opinion. She knows her strengths and her weaknesses. She knows how to represent herself. “In order to get the best of me, I have to tell (people) the...