Some people are late bloomers. Take Flo Stahl, for instance.  She didn’t begin to value herself until the ripe old age of 65.  Now a vibrant, sexy 80-year-old, Flo is grateful for the opportunity to have evolved.

Twice married, twice divorced, Flo gives herself a D+ in the relationship department.  Lacking the necessary foundation—a positive self-image—she continued, well into her 60’s, to throw herself away on men. “With that self image, what are you?  You’re a beggar.  Like me! Want me to do this?  I’ll do it.  Want me to do that?  I’ll do it.  Just, like me!  It’s so tragic.”

Her emancipation didn’t happen overnight, but through a series of baby steps. Comfortable in her own skin at last, she describes her transformation into Alpha Chick. “I truly feel reborn.”

In our video interview, Flo offers the keys to her empowerment.

She also reveals:

  • What she and actress Shirley Maclaine have in common
  • The best thing she, a Jewish girl, ever gave up for Lent
  • What resume writing did for her mental health
  • The professional’s secret to reentering the job market at 50

We also talk about sexuality, the accumulative nature of positive thought, The Law of Attraction, and why one would feel hot at the age of 80  “Once you say, I don’t give a shit, I am who I am, Whew, does that open things up!”

IIf you’d like to hear our interview with Flo, and it’s a reallllyyyy good one, head on over to the resources page and check out our Starting Over Interview series.  You won’t be sorry.


Check out my book

Straight-talking, funny and brutally honest, How To Eat The Elephant will give you–yes, you–the push you need to haul your ass off the sofa and position it in front of your computer long enough to produce a real, live book.