Because we learn best from people who understand our demons. An alcoholic is best helped by a former drunk. The mother of an autistic child needs someone who has run the gauntlet themselves. You kinda want your divorce lawyer to understand your impulse to burn your husband’s shit up in the garage, even though she’s going to council you to do otherwise.

My darling.  I understand.  I understand:

  • How hard it is to walk away
  • How much you’ve invested
  • That big payoff you’ve earned
  • How scary it is when you have nowhere else to go
  • Why you try even harder and get even less
  • The shame
  • The futility
  • The need to apologize for how you feel
  • The isolation
  • The self-loathing
  • That crazy busy thing you do to keep from thinking
  • The fact that you have lost your identity and sense of purpose

I understand all of it AND I know what it takes to become strong, and sassy, and confident.  And most important: trust-worthy.

Would you like to be able to bank on yourself?

If you’d like to learn how, if you need help releasing from a relationship or situation that you KNOW is toxic, then contact me.  You may have noticed at the far bottom of this newsletter an offer for a Breakthrough Session. If you haven’t, I’m pointing it out to you now.  Because nothing gets better until you take the first small step.  Ever.  Ever, ever, ever.

Check out my book

Straight-talking, funny and brutally honest, How To Eat The Elephant will give you–yes, you–the push you need to haul your ass off the sofa and position it in front of your computer long enough to produce a real, live book.