Starting Over with Richard Schuh


Richard Schuh is the first male I have chosen to interview.  I think he’s pretty special, and I know you will too.  I sat next to this heart-centered man at a Tony Robbins conference and I was struck by his honesty, vulnerability, and sense of deep gratitude. 

If you’ve ever wondered why you drive good people away, you’ll want to hear what Richard has to say.

Like Ebenezer Scrooge, Richard got a second chance to do life over.  “I would not change that first hard year for anything.  If there were a million dollars in cash sitting in front of me, and I could take that cash for the year 2006, for the beginning of my personal growth, I’d take the year 2006 every single time.  Because I look at where I am right now, and my beautiful wife, Kelly…I wouldn’t have stood a chance with her.

In our interview, Richard describes:

  • Why time outs are not just for kids
  • Why a do-not-do list may be more effective for us all or nothing types
  • The reason your dates may be running for the hills
  • How Jerry Maguire led us all astray
  • How getting clear about your vision will switch things up

We also talked about drinking too much, and how crappy it feels to disappoint, rebuilding one’s foundation a brick at a time, and what happens when you close circles and drop the people and habits that hold you down. “The Lord will give you what you want exactly when you need it, and that’s what happened to me.”

Maybe when you’re ready, you’ll find a gem like Richard sitting right next to you. What do you need to do to clean up your act?

To listen to our interview, click below.

Richard 1

If you liked this interview, you may want to access our other Starting Over Interviews by clicking here.

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Straight-talking, funny and brutally honest, How To Eat The Elephant will give you–yes, you–the push you need to haul your ass off the sofa and position it in front of your computer long enough to produce a real, live book.