by AnnSheybani | Sep 1, 2015 | Life
Dyer was known for teaching his ideas through metaphors. The last lesson he posted on Facebook on the eve of his death used an orange as an example: I was preparing to speak at an I Can Do It conference and I decided to bring an orange on stage with me as a prop for...
by AnnSheybani | Aug 31, 2015 | Life
Do you think people are chosen for awards and recognition because they shine so brightly the world can’t possibly ignore them? That they get plucked, in all of their magnificence, from total obscurity and dropped center stage? Do you think the golden few that get the...
by AnnSheybani | Aug 25, 2015 | assertiveness, cats, Confidence, Courage, expectations, Fearless Living, identity, leadership, Life, limiting beliefs, role model, self-image, self-sabotage
We have a dog named Edgar whose whole raison d’ etre is to kick cat ass. Unfortunately, we also have two cats. Peanut Butter and Mozart. Peanut Butter is a cat-hater’s cat. He’s got all the swagger of John Wayne, and the cool detachment of Humphrey Bogart. Tail up,...
by AnnSheybani | Aug 16, 2015 | Adult Child of Alcholic, Alcoholic rules, anorexia, anxiety, attachment, Codependency, confrontation, Cultural Issues, culture shock, eating disorders, Expatriate Life, extreem dependency, identity, Intimacy, Iran, Life
When I turned thirty, I was angry and unhappy, but didn’t really know it. I figured that niggling feeling, the one I couldn’t really identify, the one that wouldn’t go away, was the natural result of having two little kids, too much time with...
by AnnSheybani | Aug 10, 2015 | Funny movies, Life
Most of the time I look pretty grim. Like I’m about to be caught doing something really bad. From what I understand, I suffer from Resting Bitch Face. It doesn’t matter that I feel perfectly fine, it’s just that, as an introvert, I live inside my...
by AnnSheybani | Aug 3, 2015 | Authenticity, books, Codependency, Confidence, Courage, Cultural Issues, extreem dependency, forgiveness, How to Eat The Elephant, India, Interview, Intimacy, Iran, Life, manipulation, marriage, mistakes, Muslim, Polygamy, reinvention, Remya Warrior, risk, running, Self-acceptance, shame, trapping a man, voice, Writing
One of the benefits of writing a book is the visibility it buys you. Know that saying, build it and they will come? Well, that’s bullshit. After all that hard work, you’ve actually got to get out there and promote the thing if you want readers, and/or...