
Here's what I learned TOTALLY by accident. Personal story sells.


Spring Cleaning My Head

April 24, 2011

Spring is upon us. The lilac tree is budding, the daffodils are up, and it’s been raining non-stop for nearly a week. I figure it’s time to shake things up a little. Do a little spring cleaning.

I ran into a lovely lady by the name of Kit Furey while Walt and I were out in Idaho last week. At a bar, over some seriously delicious guacamole, we discussed her passion, her business of Neuro Lingustic Programming. She grabbed my interest when she said, “How’d you like me to teach you to get out of your own way?”


I get in my own way. A lot. I mean a real lot, lot, lot. I tell myself all sorts of horrible things. I hang on to old belief systems like some people hang on to disco-era clothing. I have junk left over from my mother, from my years of living in Iran, and from ages of struggling as a single mom. Clearly, they’re no longer relevant. They do me no good.

I’m getting ready to change all that. Time to bust out of my bad self. Check out the video below.


To read more about Kit Furey’s good work, check out her site at:



  • Mia DeBolt says:

    Great post! Love the idea of getting out of our own way and NLP. Just saw the movie “limitless” this weekend and definitely think we can all be that way in our own minds (without drugs) simply by getting past our limiting beliefs of ourselves. Sometimes we don’t even recognize our beliefs as limiting until we see or experience other inspiring people who open our eyes and shatter our self-beliefs if we just see ourselves in their shoes for a moment. You are one of those inspiring people to me, Ann! Thank you for the post and I look forward to following your NLP series and learning from Kit Furey 🙂

    • admin says:

      I loved limitless. Like you, not into the idea of a drug doing that, but the notion of suddenly opening up our minds and seeing all of the opportunities, all of the possibilities…..We think way too small.
      And you, sister, inspire me.

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