What I’m Reading Now

OMG, OMG, OMG, I so love this book. I mean, I love it so much, I tried to make the image really, really big so you wouldn’t forget what it looks like. Listen.  Here’s the other reason we read.  We want to feel stuff.  We want to experience joy and sadness...

Help Me, Rhonda

It’s helpful to know that obstacles are part of the writing process, but how are you supposed to deal with them when they raise their ugly heads? What can you do if you’re confused, say, about setting, or plot, or the relevance of that stuff for your chosen genre? And...

Run, Fat B!tch, Run

I’m going to break out my Book Yourself Solid coaching hat and introduce you to some associated philosophy: There are people we are meant to serve, and others not so much. And our job is to do everything in our power to reach those we are meant to serve. This...

Now vs.Then

I’ve had the same conversation with a number of my coaching clients this week, so I think it’s high time I  share this lesson with you nice people. (If you’re not a writer, start paying attention to this stuff as a reader.  It will really open up...

The 411 On Writing Dialogue

I was digging through my East Hill Writing Workshop materials the other day when I chanced up this little lesson on dialogue. I’m pretty sure that one of my partners wrote this up, but I can’t remember which.  I thought I’d break it out for you today...