Before we begin I would like to you to take a look at three pictures.

   1. General Petraeus

 2.  Mrs. Petraeus

3. The Girlfriend

Need I say more?

OK, maybe just a little.

We fool ourselves by believing that our spouses should love us no matter what.  That they should remain loyal to us– despite the additional 60 pounds and the sensible purple leisure suits–as a matter of good character. That we bear no responsibility for failing to invest in ourselves, by letting ourselves go.

But we do.

We fool ourselves by believing ourselves indispensible because we sacrifice ourselves for our kids, and our homes, and our husbands.  Because we bake cookies for the PTO, and drive carpools, and make life nice for everybody else.

But the only way to become indispensible, if there is such a thing, is to value and invest in our selves. First.

After all.  We teach people how to treat us. When we act like we’re worth it, others follow suit.

Just in case you’re wondering, I’ve walked a mile in both these sets of shoes: I’ve been the wife and the girlfriend. Here is what the girlfriend’s shoes look like, and Mrs. Petraeus’,

And one more thing.  Just because I think it says so much.  Check out the article I pulled the General’s girlfriend from. 

Do I think this kind of betrayal applies only to women?    Nope
Do I think this is about fat vs. thin, ugly vs. pretty, young vs. old?  Nope

Do I think it’s fair?  Nope

Do I understand everything about the Petreaus marriage?  Nope
Or yours?  Nope

But here is what I would give Mrs. Petreaus if I could.  It’s called attitude.

Beyoncé - Irreplaceable
Beyoncé – Irreplaceable

What do you need to do, what do you need to fix, to feel this way about yourself?

Do it.  Because this feels damn good.




Check out my book

Straight-talking, funny and brutally honest, How To Eat The Elephant will give you–yes, you–the push you need to haul your ass off the sofa and position it in front of your computer long enough to produce a real, live book.