
Here's what I learned TOTALLY by accident. Personal story sells.


A Devious, Cruel App For Writers

March 28, 2016


A writing prompt is a sentence designed to open the creative floodgates. Sometimes an image, or a picture, can serve to get the juices flowing, too. Get something down on the page, anything, and more words are guaranteed to follow. That’s the purpose of the thing.

The idea, when using a prompt, is to write non-stop for ten minutes in response to a statement or question without worrying about spelling, punctuation, or grammar. After you copy the prompt at the top of your page, then set the timer for ten minutes, you’ll give your pen (and your mind) free reign to go wherever it wants to go. Your job during this exercise is to let go of the notion that you have to be witty, or efficient. When you free your subconscious from these constraints, out pops long lost memories, interesting images, and other snippets you wouldn’t normally have access to.

Now imagine an app that trains you to write non-stop with complete abandon. That helps you get over your insatiable need for perfection, at least when it comes to developing content.

Sounds great, right?

Well, this is what that app looks like. It’s called Flowstate.

Frankly, I’m not sure how I feel about it, only because I know what gold I’ve mined from some of my more belabored sessions. I think I’d have to slit my wrists the moment my words evaporated.