Kimberly Riggins was date raped at the age of 16.  That’s when she started seeing the ugly, disturbed, heavy woman in the mirror. “It was my way of punishing myself for not being able to get out of a situation that I shouldn’t have been in in the first place.”  As you might expect, eating disorders followed, and problems with intimacy.  But Kimberly eventually got tired of playing the victim card.  She learned to take her experience and turn it into something good.  A coach, author, and blogg-ess, she inspires other women with body image issues to love their naked ass.

In our interview, Kimberly describes:

  • How deep, dark secrets can screw a person up
  • Why you should take yourself out on a “me” date
  • Why women tend to be control freaks
  • How The Invitation changed the way she viewed her life
  • How to feel like a saucy bitch

We also talked about her passion for healthy eating AND chocolate; her new book, Love Your Naked Ass; her on again, off again marriage and why she refuses to listen to other people’s advice.  “Outsiders are telling me I should go, or get therapy.  But the process is the process.  You can’t fight the process.”

If you’d like to hear our interview with Kimberly Riggins, head on over to the resources page and check out our Starting Over Interview series.  You won’t be sorry.

Check out my book

Straight-talking, funny and brutally honest, How To Eat The Elephant will give you–yes, you–the push you need to haul your ass off the sofa and position it in front of your computer long enough to produce a real, live book.