Just Screw It!

by | Nov 11, 2014 | guest post, Life, Planning, Walt Hampton | 0 comments

This is a little guest post from Walt Hampton.

The days have gotten pretty short up here on the 52nd parallel. The sun rises in the southeast and scoots along the southern horizon; darkness comes way too soon. Today, the wind is blowing a cold rain across the pastures.


But here’s what’s true: The seeds of spring blow on these cold winds of November. What are you planting?

And not just in your garden. (I planted tulips in mine this past weekend, looking at the beautiful label on the bag, and imagining what they’ll look like in the brilliance of the spring.) But in your business and in your life. What seeds are you planting?

It’s easy, as the darkness envelops us and the temperatures fall and the holidays loom, to just say,  “screw it, nothing’s going to get done in the holiday season; I’ll hunker down and hibernate; I’ll just wait til the first of the year to push things forward.”  But this – this time – is the absolute best time of year to begin to review what you’ve accomplished in the year thus far, to consider what’s worked well, to assess where the challenges have been; and to begin to plan for the year ahead; to begin to consider the possibilities; to begin to create new opportunities.

It’s a bit like those early lessons we suffered when we’d wait til the first of June to look for that summer job. It was too late.

In the same way, if you dismiss the wonder and opportunity of this season, you’ll be behind the curve when the first of January arrives, as it most surely will.

It all starts with planting the right seeds while the winds blow.  You may want to join us on our FREE webinar in preparation.  It all starts with a few important decisions:  Who do you want to be? What do you really want?  What actions will you need to take?



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Straight-talking, funny and brutally honest, How To Eat The Elephant will give you–yes, you–the push you need to haul your ass off the sofa and position it in front of your computer long enough to produce a real, live book.