Writing a book to attract ideal clients and expand your reach?
Well, you’re going to want to consider the big promise you make to your reader, the first indication of which is your title. That’s how we ALL decide if a book is worth our time. Will the eight+ hours we invest yield some desired result? Solve an urgent problem? Teach us how to do something we want to do?
The right title will tell us that.
Eben Pagan and other online marketing gurus claim that people will only give you their hard earned money and limited attention if you can help them, and I’ll be crude here:
- Get laid
- Get paid
- Look fab
The problem is we service professionals usually want to give our clients what they need, not what they want. We think we know better because we understand what’s behind their problem. But there is a way to do both. It starts with choosing an alluring title, a Trojan Horse of sorts.
Now, a blast from the past…