by AnnSheybani | May 5, 2019 | Reading
Long ago, the private high school my daughter attended had a wonderful yearly tradition. At the beginning of summer, they’d mail a reading list–a compilation of each teacher’s favorite books–to the house. Now, I’m sure the design was to...
by AnnSheybani | Feb 10, 2019 | Life, Reading
I bring this post back every few years, usually after a worry-filled conversation I’ve had with a friend or client. Sometimes one of these nice people need the reminder that worry is an utter waste of time, sometimes it’s me. I just got back from climbing...
by AnnSheybani | Jan 27, 2019 | Reading, Writing
I received this beautiful note a while back in response to one of my newsletters. I’d like to share it and my response with you. It’s relevant to you writers out there, AND to people-pleasers. Thank you for your raw honesty. Your courage inspires me,...
by AnnSheybani | Nov 25, 2018 | Life, Reading, Uncategorized, Writing
This is a guest post from my friend, Patrick Combs. Patrick Combs. He was one of those chance encounters that changed the course of our lives. Walt had crossed paths with him on Facebook, bought an extra conference ticket from him, and off the relationship went, down...
by AnnSheybani | Sep 29, 2018 | Life, Reading, Writing
This is precisely what will happen to you once you have a polished book out in the world. I’m telling you, it’ll blow your mind. I received an email from one of my writing clients the other day. I adore Alex because her mind is so expansive, so...
by AnnSheybani | Jul 22, 2018 | Life, Reading, Uncategorized, Writing
Several months ago, I was presented with the opportunity to doctor a book manuscript. Michelle Cully, the author, is this high-powered chick who owns a courier company in the metro-Boston area. If you saw her, you’d laugh, because she looks more like a...