Start with What You’ve Got

Deb Feder is a business development coach and strategist who helps lawyers and professionals bring in consistent clients through curious, confident conversations and changing the way we view productivity for professionals. She’s also a righteous bad ass. I LOVE...

Why does it matter, really?

I have this really wise friend who also happens to be a clinical psychologist specializing in the science of change.  Sometime last year, she started sending out these short videos to her mailing list. I find myself watching them while I eat lunch because they calm me...
20 things I believe

20 things I believe

I’m going to keep things short and sweet today. So I give you twenty things that I believe, particularly about business and writing:   Burning bridges and boats is for fools Good things take time The shiny object syndrome will keep you small Don’t quit your...

The evil eye

You stand out when you have a published book. This is something authors want….and don’t want at the same time. This conflict plays out in a whole bunch of ways, which I won’t take the time to get into here. Why would we resist standing out? Oh, the...

Dropping the armor

Walt and I were talking about the performance artist, Marina Abramovic, this morning. I don’t know if you’ve ever caught sight of this video clip of her sitting across the table from strangers at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. People...

This is not about luck

I was listening to a Ted Talk  with  Sheryl Sandberg some time back (see below). In it she discussed three things she believes hold women back in the work world.  For anyone who doesn’t know who Sheryl is, she’s the COO of Facebook in charge of monetizing the site. ...