Or you could just write an essay

When I was in grad school, I took an essay writing course. We were assigned an anthology called The Best American Essays, which still sits, all marked up with black ink, on my bookshelf. (If I could find a link, I’d put it here, but I can’t.)  In it, I...

What an epic

Walt got it into his head a couple of summers ago that he wanted to paint our deck. He figured, with a little scraping and a gallon of outdoor, weather-resistant paint, he could have the task done over a weekend. To this end, we ran to the local home and garden center...

What to read on vacation

It’s the holiday week. Business has all but shut down. And I know precisely how I’m going to spend much of my time. I have a stack of books I’ve been dying to read, so, baby, here I come. Which got me thinking…which books might I recommend for...

The Hidden Cost of Going It Alone

As a developmental editor working with experts and thought leaders, I’ve noticed a common belief that stops many potential authors from creating the powerful book they envision: “I’ve been creating content for years—I should be able to write this...