My New Best Friend, Marie Kondo

by | Jan 28, 2016 | books, Writing, writing lessons | 0 comments

Just for fun, we’re going to pretend you’d like to write a client-attracting book. I’m going to lead you through an exercise to get you started thinking about that one big result you give your clients, and the associated benefits.

Here are some questions I’d like you to write down and answer when you have a few minutes. They’re really important to your overall vision.

What is the Big Result you give your clients?

Now give me:

  1. An emotional benefit they get from this big result.
  2. A physical benefit they get from this big result
  3. A financial benefit they get from this big result
  4. A spiritual benefit they get from this big result.

I’ll give you an example of what I mean by all this emotional, physical, financial, and spiritual stuff.

Here’s a book I read recently about how to keep a tidy house. It’s called The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo.


Believe me, I need this book. I want this big result: a tidy home. What could the financial, emotional, physical, and spiritual benefits of a tidy house be? For God’s sake, isn’t it enough to have an organized house?

By telling her own stories, and those of her clients, the author is able to clearly describe the associated benefits of that big result—having a tidy house. And some of them are surprising.

  1. A spiritual benefit: a calm and motivated mindset.
  2. A physical benefit: You’ll look better because you’ll only wear the clothes that suit you and make you feel beautiful. All the others you’ll toss away.
  3. A financial benefit: You’ll save money because you’ll stop buying junk that you’ll only end up getting rid of.
  4. An emotional benefit: You’ll let go of relationships that no longer serve, because you’ll grow accustomed to examining things closely and determining their use.

Now go back and answer those questions, silly. See what you come up with. You’ll want to know this stuff before you set off writing your book.

Check out my book

Straight-talking, funny and brutally honest, How To Eat The Elephant will give you–yes, you–the push you need to haul your ass off the sofa and position it in front of your computer long enough to produce a real, live book.