
Here's what I learned TOTALLY by accident. Personal story sells.


Fun With Passive Aggression

September 12, 2013

Want an Hour or Two of Giggles?

Head on over to YouTube and plug in the keyword “Passive Aggressive.”

Why would I do this, you ask?

Because people who are afraid to express anger, sadness, or disappointment in relationships usually end up expressing themselves through passive aggression.

We’ve been taught that it’s somehow polite, or noble, to clear our throats a lot, smile weakly, and say, “I’m just fine.  Why do you ask?” as we’re strangling the cat.

It’s hard to choose a favorite video.  They all bring such clarity to the table.  But let’s go with this one. This one made me realize that, as highly evolved as I like to think I am, I still do shit like this. Especially the cryptic messages on Facebook!


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