While I sat on a patio overlooking Phoenix surrounded by a swarm of buzzing people, I spotted a fellow introvert. In case you didn’t know, we’re the folks lining the perimeters with a cocktail glass in hand, doing our damndest to blend in with the wood work. Sure enough, we got to clinging to each other talking and I discovered a kindred spirit, one that also happens to have a mad skillset. Anyway, I was writing a similar post this week when Sunni’s message landed in my in-box. Man, it was just so relevant because my people spend years dancing around the idea of writing a book (or finishing one) and they can’t figure out what’s getting in the way. Sunni’s given me permission to share this piece with you, which I know you’re going to love.
I wrote an article recently titled: you are worth the risk. Because we all struggle with this stuff from time to time, whether it’s that we think our business may not be worth the risk, or that WE are not worth the risk, because of underlying fears that we can’t back-up the growth we really want to achieve, or that we really just might not be “good enough”.
There are so many things we risk everyday, in business, and in life.
We risk not being liked, or being accepted, we risk not being understood, we risk time, we risk money, we risk status, stability and respect. We risk a lot of things for a lot of people–like our partners, our family and our friends–but often we hesitate when it comes to taking that same risk on ourselves, because at the root we fear we’re not worth it. Deep down, you might fear you can’t handle what that risk would ask you to become…the level it would ask you to rise to…that you might not be able to handle it…that you might not be able to find the help and resources you need so you can do that…
but that is a bunch of bologna!
Just think of 3 things that you thought you’d never do, that you thought you couldn’t do, or couldn’t handle–that you DID.
Think of how impossible those things seemed before and how totally easy and second-nature they feel now. Remember how they once felt so big and scary, like giant harry monsters under the bed? But now you know they were just lovable Grover all along.
Whatever it is you’re up against with your business right now… whatever current challenge or big goal you’ve set for the coming year, or years… this is the same damn thing.
It’s an “unknown” is all, you haven’t discovered all that’s possible yet, you’re in the process of discovering that right now. You cannot judge what you don’t yet know–so just don’t try! You can only take the next step in front of you.
Take it, put it on, try it out for yourself, only THEN will you be truly equipped to actually judge if it was worth the risk or not. Before that you’re like a blind person trying to judge a paint color contest–in other words, despite your best intentions and efforts, you just cannot possibly know.
Having watched people wrestle with this one, time and time again and come up swinging, I can tell you with confidence: YOU GOT THIS.
OR… perhaps you’re not scared of that at all, maybe you put on your big girl (or boy) business-pants a long time ago, and know full-well you can rock what comes next…maybe you’re just wondering what next move would be the right one, maybe you’re not sure what needs help, and what doesn’t, and you’re trying to figure out where your hard earned money and time would be best-spent.
And to that I’d say—start with the foundation.
Your brand is the foundation, and if it doesn’t wholly inspire and delight you, if it doesn’t speak volumes about your businesses quality and integrity before a word is even read, if it doesn’t engage your audience on a gut level, then that is precisely where to start.
Because the billion things you can do after that (marketing, sales, ads, etc.) won’t be effective if you’re directing traffic to a presence you’re not proud of, or feel is truly an accurate representation of who and what you are. All the traffic in the world won’t mean a thing if it doesn’t make an immediate impact on your customers when they get there.
Either way, risk will be involved. That’s life.
I mean for heavens sakes, you risk your life just by walking out the door in the morning! Or by eating a damned grape. 😀 lol
But not to worry…when it comes to business there are small steps you can take that make huge impacts in the long run, and little tools like the Brand Discovery Questionnaire are the perfect place to start.
If you’d like to learn more about Sunni Chapman, to read her terrific blog or take a gander at some of the work she’s done for others, then head on over to her site: The Salty Olive. She’s the real deal.