Our Special Sad Tale of Woe

by | Oct 29, 2012 | identity, Kathy Buckley | 0 comments

Ever notice we all have these stories?  That thing we tell people fifteen minutes after meeting them.  Walt’s story begins, “I was a single dad for a dozen years….”  Mine, which is a little harder to slip in to a random conversation, goes something like this, “Yah, I lived in Iran for five years during the early 90’s…”

Here’s the thing.  We seem to want people to know we’ve suffered hardships.  That it hasn’t always been easy.  That the world has handed us a crap sandwich and we’ve sommeeehooowww, only through strength of character, survived to tell the awful story.

Problem is, this story becomes our identity.  And really, it’s just a story.  A lame, old, boring story.

If you think you’ve got problems, if you think you deserve sympathy for all the hurt you’ve had to endure, I’d like you to listen to Kathy Buckley.

She got tired of allowing her story to define her.  She created a brand new meaning.

And really?  If you haven’t had to deal with 1/10 of the anguish this woman went through in her life, and this is just the abbreviated version, you might want to pipe down a bit.  Just sayin’.

Kathy Buckley Inspirational Speaker
Kathy Buckley Inspirational Speaker

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