Don’t Make These Book Writing Mistakes

by | Jan 26, 2018 | Writing | 0 comments

There’s nothing that excites me more than seeing a client project come to fruition. It takes a major investment of time and focus to write a good book, the sort that’s not only going to attract clients, but also read beautifully.

Next week, February 6th to be exact, the book will be out for sale. And, just between you, me, and the fly on the hotel wall here, Josh will be making an incredible offer. He’s going to make it super easy for you to get a FREE copy (well, free if you don’t count a small shipping and handling fee. Close enough.)

It would be easy (let me be more accurate, easier) to write a how-to book, or throw a slush pile of concepts onto the page and wave a magic wand over them in an attempt to create some sort of cohesion, like so many business writers often do. But that’s not what Josh chose to do. Instead, Josh wrote a business parable, a novel of sorts that dramatizes the very issues Josh’s clients deal with on a daily basis, the kind of issues he helps them solve when they hire him. And the story is fantastic, if I do say so myself.

(What made the project even more fun is that Josh allowed Summit Press to publish it for him. I got to work with the coolest book designers and editors out there during the production phase. We even hired an artist in Italy to produce the perfect aardvark for the cover. Oh, I could go on and on.)

Josh learned a number of things along the way, as one does when learning the ropes. He’s put together this little video to warn others of the biggest pitfalls he inadvertently discovered. May his mistakes save you time, pain, and grief.

Now, here he is.


Check out my book

Straight-talking, funny and brutally honest, How To Eat The Elephant will give you–yes, you–the push you need to haul your ass off the sofa and position it in front of your computer long enough to produce a real, live book.