Getting laid, getting paid, looking fab

Years ago, and I mean yearssssss ago, Walt and I attended a Brendan Bruchard conference. That’s where we recognized that we could create a business out of just about anything we pulled out of our backends. I mean, we met people who were making money doing the...

I’m a coward

I have a problem. This problem has gotten big enough that I’ve decided I need a solution. Oh, sure, I’ve been aware of this issue for a good long while, but recently I recognized that it’s costing me big time, so it’s taken on some urgency. You see, I avoid conflict....
With truth comes peace

With truth comes peace

I received this beautiful note a while back in response to one of my newsletters. I’d like to share it and my response with you.  It’s relevant to you writers out there, AND to people-pleasers. Thank you for your raw honesty. Your courage inspires me,...
My favorite fives

My favorite fives

Long ago, the private high school my daughter attended had a wonderful tradition. At the beginning of summer, they’d mail a reading list–a compilation of each teacher’s favorite books–to the house. Now, I’m sure the design was to...

Finding my wood

I’ve been doctoring a terrific book on Integrated Chinese Medicine, which addresses health issues caused by an overabundance or deficit of certain “elements”, including wood, fire, water, and air. It got me thinking about my wood, how much more of it...