Just Another Book About Cancer, NOT

For years I was part of a writers’ group that met each Tuesday evening in the author Anne Batterson’s living room. Two or three of the members (we were never more than four at any given time) would read what they’d been working on, and the rest of us...

The Six Pillars Of Self-Esteem

When I was younger, I used to look to others, mostly men, to rescue me. I was convinced that, if left to my own devices, I would make some horrible mistake and screw up my life permanently.  I had no idea who I was, what I wanted or needed, or how I felt about much of...

Look Who’s Contributing To The HuffPost

Sniff.  I’m so proud.  One of my gorgeous writing clients, who is working on the final edits of her SOON-TO-BE-PUBLISHED book, is now a contributor to the Huffington Post.  Look, that’s a pretty big deal.  You have to know how to string more than a few...

What I’m Reading Now

OMG, OMG, OMG, I so love this book. I mean, I love it so much, I tried to make the image really, really big so you wouldn’t forget what it looks like. Listen.  Here’s the other reason we read.  We want to feel stuff.  We want to experience joy and sadness...

What I’m Reading Now

So, Walt and I were out and about last night when we passed by Brown Thomas, an upscale shop, Ireland’s answer to Bergdoff Goodman. In the window were some of the most ludicrous outfits I’ve ever seen. Straight out of the circus. Bright orange clown...

Help Me, Rhonda

It’s helpful to know that obstacles are part of the writing process, but how are you supposed to deal with them when they raise their ugly heads? What can you do if you’re confused, say, about setting, or plot, or the relevance of that stuff for your chosen genre? And...