by AnnSheybani | Feb 2, 2018 | Reading, Uncategorized, Writing
If you’d like to outline your message and be seen as an expert in your field, you’d be silly to write a novel. If you’re not keen to write a non-fiction business book, then perhaps you’d like to pen a parable. The parable is a particularly appealing genre for business...
by AnnSheybani | Jan 2, 2018 | Reading, Uncategorized, Writing
I’m going to share with you some important concepts I walk my clients through before they start in on a project. If you’re an entrepreneur or a service professional, these ideas are going to be super useful even if you aren’t looking to write a...
by AnnSheybani | Dec 24, 2017 | Life, Reading, Uncategorized
Like a junkie with a 14-gauge needle, my mother used books to blot out reality. Curled up in her chair, immersed in a novel, she ceased to be aware of anyone or anything around her. When she put her book down, exposed herself to the rage and tension that contaminated...
by AnnSheybani | Dec 17, 2017 | Reading, Uncategorized, Writing
I need to write about this book, and I need to write about it now. For a couple of reasons. First, if I don’t get to it PDQ, Walt is going to beat me to the punch. The last time the two of us were smitten with an idea or a book, he went and wrote this. Even though I’d...
by AnnSheybani | Oct 29, 2017 | Reading, Writing
I’m sitting in Dallas as I type this. I’m at a conference for online marketers. I’ve got to say, I love conferences like this, even though I’m an introvert, even though I always wind up back in my room at the end of the day in a fetal position, what with all the...
by AnnSheybani | Sep 25, 2017 | Life, Reading
I was listening to a Ted Talk some time back with Sheryl Sandberg. (see below) In it she discussed three things she believes hold women back in the work world. For anyone who doesn’t know who Sheryl is, she’s the COO of Facebook in charge of monetizing the site....