Misunderstanding Sex

It was the 70’s. Playboy and Penthouse were ubiquitous on suburban coffee tables, at least in the households where I babysat. My parents, in keeping with the make-love-not-war attitude of the era, kept a stash of porn star tell-all’s, Penthouse Forum volumes,...

Cat Shit In The Litter Box

Everybody fears that they are not enough.  Everybody. My father used to say that intimacy breeds contempt.  This was his favorite motto, something he repeated every day So, I grew up believing that if someone got the chance to know the real me, they would hate my...

10 Things The Adult Child Of An Addict Wants You To Know

My friend Whitney send me a link to this post. This piece is by Joni Edelman and first appeared in ravishly.com.  Needless to say, I think it’s beautifully written, and pretty freaking relevant. I hope you get as much out of it as I did. There are many adults...

Can’t Win Me Love

For a very long time,  I believed that in order for someone to love me, I had to prove my worth. The trick was figuring out what a man wanted in me, and then playing that role. Love didn’t happen naturally, it had to be squeezed into place. I started dating...

My New Best Friend

Being a people-pleaser is exhausting, and demoralizing. For us, and everyone around us. Believe me, I know.  That’s why I fell hard for Erika Napoletano and her TedX video.  She doesn’t know it yet, but we’re BFF’s. Have you ever been afraid of...

Time Management For Losers

A long time ago, when I was selling photo copiers for a living, I met an older woman who gave me a piece of advice I will never forget. “Darling,” she said, smoothing back her hair with steady hands, “there’s a time and a place for everything.  You can’t do it all at...