I’ve been searching and searching for this video, which I saw a year or two back. Lo and behold, there it was in my Youtube feed this morning.
There’s a couple of reasons I was taken by Zoe Chance’s TedX talk, why I wanted to share it with you:
1. As a weight-conscious athlete (read: totally neurotic), I wanted to know what one of those little devices you wear around your wrist to measure physical activity, like the FitBit, could inspire one to do. What kind of motivation it could provide for the $150 investment.
2. This speaker is an academician who can throw out facts and figures with the best of them, but it’s her honesty, her “shameful” confession, that makes this talk so memorable. It’s a wonderful example of creating impact by firmly grounding one’s message in personal story.
So, what do you think? Could you become addicted too?