A Year of Yes

A Year of Yes

Each Friday, Simon and Schuster sends out a promo email advertising temporarily discounted books. You can snag great Kindle reads for a couple of dollars. If you’re not on their mailing list, you can right that travesty by going here. Trust me, you want to be on this...

More addictive than sugar

I bring this post back every few years, usually after a worry-filled conversation I’ve had with a friend or client. Sometimes one of these nice people need the reminder that worry is an utter waste of time, sometimes it’s me. I just got back from climbing...

Your story of triumph

I view stories, particularly the personal kind, with three sets of eyes. First, the eyes of a human who is deeply moved by the capacity of the human soul to rise above astoundingly traumatic shit. Then, the eyes of a writer (and editor) whose job is to make the thing...

Make friends with your motivation

Can I ask you a question? Why do you want to write a book? Seriously, do you even know? What’s your purpose for doing so? •     To create a beautiful work of art? •     To tell your life story? •     To outline your message? •     To serve as an expert calling...