50 Things, You, My Friend, Get to Do.

by | Aug 3, 2014 | Life, Writing | 0 comments

  1. You get to change your mind
  2. You get to make mistakes
  3. You get to vacillate
  4. You get to take your own sweet time
  5. You get to be angry, or hurt, or sad
  6. You get to say no
  7. You get to take care of your needs
  8. You get to disagree
  9. You get to speak your mind
  10. You get to be direct and honest
  11. You get to fail
  12. You get to be wrongwrong
  13. You get to receive, not just give
  14. You get to relax while others are working
  15. You get to let go
  16. You get to day dream and waste time
  17. You get to put down the guilt
  18. You get to refuse a request
  19. You get to change your value system
  20. You get to change your routine
  21. You get to treat others unequally
  22. You get to relinquish control
  23. You get to be “unreasonable”
  24. You get to be selfishMimiEunice_74
  25. You get to discuss your problems
  26. You get to shine
  27. You get to disengage yourself from problems you cannot solve
  28. You get to play big
  29. You get to ask for helphelp
  30. You get to refuse to assume other people’s responsibilities
  31. You get to be imperfect
  32. You get to be free
  33. You get to be happy, even when those you love are not
  34. You get to severe relationships with friends and family members
  35. You get to say nothing when you don’t feel like talking
  36. You get to let others be who they are
  37. You get to say the wrong thing
  38. You get to love yourself
  39. You get to leave things alone
  40. You get to leave the room, or the party when you want to
  41. You get to respond, or react
  42. You get to experimentkeep_calm___it__s_an_experiment_by_epicfailmonster-d46ek2g
  43. You get to operate in your best interest
  44. You get to refuse to guess what others want and need
  45. You get to ask directly for what you need and want
  46. You get to wear what you want
  47. You get to question the status quo
  48. You get to have things the way you want
  49. You get to rock the fucking boat
  50. You get to be the wonderful, quirky you


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Straight-talking, funny and brutally honest, How To Eat The Elephant will give you–yes, you–the push you need to haul your ass off the sofa and position it in front of your computer long enough to produce a real, live book.