Yes, you want to write a book.

It would be great if you could get away without writing a book; but, let’s face it, you can’t. So I’m going to teach you exactly what you need to know to write a powerful book. For you. For your business. For your future.

here’s what you

really want:









Nice biceps

(OK, I just threw that in.)









Nice biceps

(OK, I just threw that in.)

Here’s what I know about you:

You’re smart.

You know that the greatest strategy for personal and business development on the planet is bold self-expression. Which requires you to reveal yourself in writing–admit to being a Jesus freak, or a sailor mouth, or a recovering workaholic–because only then can you reach others. Only then can you create impact. Only then will potential clients open up their wallets and fling money at you.

You’re creative.

Your cup runneth over, like Merlot all over that brand new Persian rug. You’ve got a bazillion ideas that could fill fifty books.

You get shit done, and you get it done right.

You’d rather eat glass than self-publish schlock. But right now, you could use a twelve-step program to deal with your perfectionism. Because all of that T-crossing and I-dotting is getting in the way.

You’re brave.

You’re willing to put your thoughts and opinions in black and white. If proof is in the pudding; you’re ready to hand your critics a veritable fork. Up until now, vaugery has kept you small and safe. It’s kept you off the stage, out of the limelight. No more.

You’re tenacious.

It’s not like you haven’t tried to write a book before. It’s just that you had no idea you’d produce such drivel. But you’ve got a job to do. You’ve got a brand to build, a message to spread, a business to catalyze, and the right clients to attract.


Who I Am:

I’m Ann. I began my practice as a book-writing coach, not just because I like bossing people around, which I do, but also because I know all of your sorry excuses for not settling down to write your book, because I invented them. In other words, I’ve got your number, cupcake.

I may look nice, but don’t let that fool you.
You need to prepare yourself for zero coddling.

It doesn’t matter that I’ve got an MFA from Harvard; or that I’ve run a creative writing workshop since Jesus was in short pants; or that I’ve written THE book about writing books; or that I’m a Book Yourself Solid certified sales and marketing coach.

It only matters that I dig browbeating creative, entrepreneurial types just like you into developing a consistent writing practice, and getting their work out the door. Because without a good, relevant book to your name, you aren’t going anywhere you want to go.

It doesn’t matter that I’ve got an MFA from Harvard; or that I’ve run a creative writing workshop since Jesus was in short pants; or that I’ve written THE book about writing books; or that I’m a Book Yourself Solid certified sales and marketing coach.It only matters that I dig browbeating creative, entrepreneurial types just like you into developing a consistent writing practice, and getting their work out the door.
Because without a good, relevant book to your name, you aren’t going anywhere you want to go.

Hayley Joel Osmond may see dead people; but I see stories. I see stories that sell. And I’m going to teach you to do the same.

The way I see it, you’ve pretty

much got three choices

choice one:

write a book on your own



It can be painful to write a book. Particularly when you’ve stepped out of your business and holed up in a cabin like Earnest Hemmingway. It’s all or nothing, Baby: everyone knows that’s how you get the job done. But now you’ve got carpal tunnel syndrome because you’ve been typing the same three sucky pages over and over again for the last six weeks. Some days they read like a VCR user’s manual; the next, the musings of a schizophrenic. To make matters worse, you’ve got chilblains because the heat is out, again, and you can’t afford an oil delivery. Not since your disgruntled spouse cut you off. Which means you’ve got to drag your carcass off that chair, grab the axe leaning against the door, brave the coyotes and the snowdrifts, and go chop yourself a cord of wood. Which is sort of a relief, when you think about it, because you can’t write a goddamned thing to save your life anyway. You might as well do something useful.

It can be painful to write a book. Particularly when you’ve stepped out of your business and holed up in a cabin like Earnest Hemmingway. It’s all or nothing, Baby: everyone knows that’s how you get the job done. But now you’ve got carpal tunnel syndrome because you’ve been typing the same three sucky pages over and over again for the last six weeks.



choice two:

don’t bother

It’s even worse not to have a book. Because everyone with a pulse and a publication is getting the rewards and recognition you should be getting. That lady with the “signature” purple hose and matching floppy hat, the one you always run into at events, the one who doesn’t know half the stuff you do?

Well, she just landed the client you’ve been courting since the earth began to cool. The client who could never decide if you had the solution he’d been shopping for. The client you just know you could help because he’s a living, breathing embodiment of the former you. The client who just shelled out five times your going rate without blinking an eye because he read Purple Chick’s book, which he bought in the back of the room at that speaking gig you failed to land. And now you’re fresh out of luck and back to square one. And wait! Isn’t that Purple Chick on TV touting her book? Since when did SHE become the go-to expert?




Let’s fix this shit and get you a published book.

See how short that story was?



Let’s fix this shit and get you a published book.See how short that story was?

Give me your hazy vision,

your sad excuses,

your darkest fears.

And I’ll give you my undivided attention, my creative ideas (believe me,
I’m a genius), and the solution to (almost) ALL of your problems. For just
one hour(ish). Or throughout the whole, daunting book-writing process.
Write the book, leverage the hell out of it, and make real money so you
can have a life.